Try Fastly for free through AWS Marketplace

It’s easier than ever to try Fastly CDN (for free!) on AWS Marketplace with no upfront costs and no time limits. No contracts. No commitments. Just a free account that allows you to try and buy Fastly CDN and our serverless edge computing offerings through a simplified procurement process via AWS Marketplace.

Getting started with Fastly

We’re all about speed and simplification at Fastly. That’s why we’re committed to keeping the free account experience painless and as the only CDN vendor (outside of the native services) available on AWS Marketplace, we want to ensure customers who want to try us, can do so with ease.

You can try the Fastly CDN for up to $50/month without any auto-renewals or commitments (and with no cost to the customer). Buying through the AWS marketplace gives you full access to our CDN capabilities.

Start a free account by clicking the button on Fastly’s AWS Marketplace listing. From there, users can sign up to start using Fastly CDN and Compute services which include the following benefits:

  • Two free TLS certificates to test your site or project

  • Industry-leading application security

  • Access to our powerful, serverless Fastly Compute offering

  • Access to real-time insights and data analytics

If you choose to buy, you can do so directly from the AWS Marketplace without the need to set up any separate billing arrangement and utilize your AWS committed spend or by speaking directly with a Fastly representative who will assist you through our (simplified, flat-rate) buying process.

Contact us for more details on pricing through the AWS Marketplace or sign up for a free account.

Mili Mathews
Partner Marketing Manager, Technology Alliances

1 min read

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Mili Mathews
Partner Marketing Manager, Technology Alliances

Mili is a Partner Marketing Manager at Fastly, managing Technology Partnerships, and working closely with our Cloud Partners. Prior to Fastly, Mili worked with Partners and Marketing Strategy teams in Technology and Real Estate companies. Outside of work, she enjoys traveling and exploring the great outdoors.

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